Ding Cauldron with Shell Decor

Accession No. R020210
Period Eastern Chou
Material Bronze
Findspot Tomb No. 01 Shan-piao-chen Site
Geographic Location Shanpiao Town, Weihui City, Henan Province, China
Dimension H. 11.6 cm; Diam. of rim 11.2 cm


This ding was unearthed from Shanbiao Town Tomb M1, Weihui City, Henan Province. The lid of the ding has a curved profile and three reclining animal-shaped knobs. This specimen has two out-curved loop handles attached on its incurving mouth, the globular body finishes with a flat base and three short cabriole legs. The center of the lid is decorated with lotus petals with beaded outlines, while the skirt of the lid is embellished with a band of shell motifs on a blank ground. The bronze vessel is cast using the piece-mold technique. Soot is still present at the bottom of the vessel.